About Texas Highways
150 E. Riverside Drive
Austin, TX 78704
As the authority on Texas travel since 1974, Texas Highways provides readers with a curated guide to the state’s cities, small towns, hidden gems, and natural wonders. Stories focus on Texas’ scenic, recreational, historical, cultural, and ethnic treasures accompanied by strong photography highlighting the state’s natural beauty. From the comfort of your living room or at the wheel of your car, Texas Highways is your trusted guide for travel in Texas.
Andrea | Lin | Publisher | andrea.lin@txdot.gov |
Emily | Stone | Editor in Chief | emily.stone@txdot.gov |
Sabrina | Ballesteros | Associate Publisher | sabrina.ballesteros@txdot.gov |
Mike | Hoinski | Deputy Editor | Michael.hoinski@txdot.gov |
Matt | Joyce | Senior Managing Editor | matt.joyce@txdot.gov |
Kimya | Kavehkar | Managing Editor | kimya.kavehkar@txdot.gov |
Mark | Mahorsky | Creative Dirctor | mark.mahorsky@txdot.gov |
Ashley | Burch | Art Director | ashley.burch@txdot.gov |
Natalie | Moore | Product & Engagement Manager | natalie.moore@txdot.gov |
Tyson | Bird | Digital Strategies Manager | tyson.bird@txdot.gov |
Parent Company: Texas Department of Transportation
Ads-Local-Color: $7,476 1x FP4C gross
Ads – National – Color: $7,476 1x FP4C gross
Median Age: 66
Average Household Income: $98,375
Subscription Price: $24.95
Circulation: 121,400
Cover Price: $4.95
Ads-Local-Color: $7,476 1x FP4C gross
Ads – National – Color: $7,476 1x FP4C gross
Median Age: 66
Average Household Income: $98,375
Subscription Price: $24.95
Circulation: 121,400
Cover Price: $4.95