Our State August 2021 cover



800 Green Valley Rd Suite 106
Greensboro, North Carolina 27408

Phone: (336) 286-0600
Email: bmann@ourstate.com
Website: http://www.ourstate.com

Each month, Our State magazine celebrates the very best of North Carolina from the mountains to the coast through lively storytelling and stunning photography. Our State reflects the beauty, nature, nostalgia, food, and travel of the state through positive, uplifting, and engaging stories. It’s the perfect source of information for those who’ve lived in North Carolina all their lives, those just becoming acquainted with the state, or those looking to visit or relocate. Since it began in 1933, Our State has created a legacy of intense subscriber loyalty and adoration. The Our State brand goes beyond the award-winning pages of the magazine with travel opportunities, special events, the Our State Store, and its digital presence.


Editorial: editorial@ourstate.com
Photography and Art: art_director@ourstate.com
Digital: digital@ourstate.com
Advertising Sales: sales@ourstate.com
Production: production@ourstate.com
Marketing: marketing@ourstate.com
Circulation: circulation@ourstate.com
Our State Store: store@ourstate.com

Parent Company: Mann Media, Inc.
Frequency: Monthly
Audit: Circulation Verification Council
Ads – Local – Color: $10,715
Ads – National – Color: $10,715
Median Age: 56
Subscription Price: $34.99
Average Household Income: $191,342
Circulation: 226,524
Cover Price: $5.99