6777 Camp Bowie Blvd. Ste. 130
Fort Worth, Texas 76116
Phone: (817) 560-6111
Email: hbrown@fwtexas.com
Website: http://fwtx.com
For 22 years, Fort Worth Magazine has been the authority on dining, fashion, culture, travel, hard-hitting journalism and in-depth human-interest stories in the western side of the Metroplex. The magazine relishes in its opportunity to cover the people, places and things of one of the nation’s most culturally unique and inspiring cities. Through the magazine, its ancillary publications and signature events, Fort Worth Magazine has built a dedicated, affluent, well-educated and highly influential audience.
Main Line, 817-560-6111, customerservice@fwtexas.com
Publisher, Hal Brown, 817-560-6115, hbrown@fwtexas.com
Executive Editor, Brian Kendall, 817-560-6178, bkendall@fwtexas.com
Sales Director, Mike Waldum, 817-560-6334, mwaldum@fwtexas.com
Senior Art Director, Craig Sylva, 817-560-6123, csylva@fwtexas.com
Frequency: Monthly
Audit: CVC Ads-Local-Color: $4,612.00
Ads – National – Color: $4,612.00
Median Age: 45-54
Average Household Income: $273,000
Subscription Price: $23.95
Circulation: 19,251
Cover Price: $4.99
Other Publications: FW Inc.